Sunday, March 11, 2012

sunday's "so they said"

this week was an odd one for comments from my kids
this week included:

"Mrs. Lewis, did you mark me off a point for calling Napoleon, Neapolitan?"
My response - "No, of course not, oh wait, maybe I did."

Grading 165 history tests is causing my grading curve to get a little questionable
I would always say I grade objectively
but apparently getting the ruler of France confused with an ice cream flavor
rubbed me the wrong way on that particular day

I was also told that
"You look so different today.  I think it is because you are wearing pants.  I think you look a lot more professional when you wear pants.  Just my opinion.  Your dresses always have so many...patterns."

but seeing as how this came from one of my boys 
I think I'll just file that conversation away somewhere

And finally I received good & bad news in about a minute
good - the teacher I'm filling in for the year is not coming back next
so the possibility to stay in the same position two years in a row is actually there
or should I say was there for about 30 seconds until I heard the bad...
bad - pink slip number 5 is on it's way
if only they could find a way to get these to us while working
that would be nice of them
because going to the post office to pick this letter up again
just really doesn't sit right with me
layoffs went out as far back as 11 years seniority
that's not so fun either


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your bad news. However, that second "they said" was hilarious.

    ♥ sécia

    1. thanks secia - he complimented me again on my outfit, pants :)

      tomorrow's dress, probably not so much!

  2. Sorry to hear about the pink slip :(

    I might be in the same boat. I am moving from South Florida to Raleigh, NC in June and currently there is a hiring freeze in the district for all teachers.

    Hopefully things will look better for both of us soon!


    1. yes Elisha - I agree, it is such a shame what they do to us. It is crazy for me to already think that I am pretty much stuck in my district because I can't ever see myself wanting to move and lose the seniority that I do have. It just has to get better, right?!?

  3. So sorry to hear that. :( You sound like an amazing teacher... I graduated in 2009 with a Family Consumer Science Education degree. AKA: Home Ec. That's scarce! I have thought about switching to another subject, but I just don't know with the way things are. Best of luck to you though! I am sure you won't have a problem finding a different job!

    I love reading your blog by the way!


    1. amanda - thanks so much for reading! Home ec. - wow, that is pretty rare. Well, if you happen to also be real into science & math, you could change your speciality and most likely not get laid off ever! For me, I just have to wait, and yes, they will hire me back. It is the same game I've played for 5 years, and I always get hired back. You just don't know when exactly you will hear, or what you will be teaching! thanks for the positive thinking, it has to help!!!

  4. Seriously? Wow...that must be so frustrating. I'm sorry to hear that! Hopefully you will be able to stay in the same place, you seem like an awesome teacher. (Or maybe get to go back to 5th... :) I started reading your blog at the exact same time that I moved from 3rd to 5th in the fall, and it made me feel better to know someone else was starting something brand new:) I love the projects you do with your kids. I also love the outfit advice-my 5th grade girls are always commenting on how I wear too much black and grey. I think they would definitely like your dresses!

    1. thanks Amanda - yes, flexibility is SO key in this career right now!!! my very first summer school teaching job I will never forget being told by an eight year old that I wore "way too much black". ever since, I try to buy more colors, but you still can't go wrong with some classy black & grey!


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