today miss everly mae helped me celebrate
miss jessica mae's birthday
and yes, my little E does share a name with this awesome lady on purpose
we had a simple lunch and a short shopping trip
but it was really a great way to spend the day
it is crazy to think about how grown up we have become
we are no longer the 18 year old college freshman just looking for someone to
eat dinner with at the dining commons
now we spend our days chatting it up at cafes
and trying to nurse everly in public with no "oops" moments
and shopping at stores our mom's would love
and holding babies, kissing babies,
and protecting our favorite baby from crazy strangers
and changing diapers in cars
and you get the picture
and just so we don't take turning twenty-nine too seriously
here is how we used to spend birthday celebrations, maybe six years ago or so
happy birthday miss jessica mae
Awwe I love the pics of Everly and the flashback! Thanks for a great birthday! And for teaching me some creative ways to change a diaper...