Sunday, July 31, 2011

just happiness

well, no complaints here
we enjoyed an amazing weekend with great friends
we swam, we ate frozen pizzas, and had many toasts celebrating my recent
news of being hired back
found out it is hard to answer the phone while eating buffalo wings
watched a movie on the side of the garage
it was like our very own drive-in screen
and saw shooting stars & even an asteroid
we slept outside under the stars which is something I clearly need to do more often
tomorrow I get to see my classroom for the first time
hopefully, I will be greeted with cleared out cabinets & maybe even my favorite part of teaching
in a district where most of the schools were built in the 50's & 60's - 
don't worry - I'll keep you posted!


  1. HI! I just saw your blog on TART and I think your blog is soo cute! How lucky would that be to have a vintage desk? That would be awesome! :)

  2. I so enjoy reading your blog, and hope that your new school is a good fit! I am also in education here in Maryland, and so much of what you write about rings true on the east coast as well.


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