Saturday, January 12, 2013

oh hey, I'm nine weeks old

this week I turned nine weeks old
which had its ups and downs
 first off, mom took me to the dr. again
which so far has been not too shabby
get weighed, get smooshed a little by a nice, really tall lady
and go on my merry way
nope, not this time
the beginning started the same, but then this lady came in
mom started looking a little teary eyed
and the next thing I knew the new lady was making me drink something
that definitely was not boobie milk
and then it got bad, really bad
three horrible pricks in my legs caused about thirty seconds of my
"oh hey mom, I'm in pain here" cry
and then mom swooped me up and we were all better
so besides that whole incident the week was good
I have now become a no bottle baby, like no bottles, ever
[which could pose some potential problems in the future, 
but we will figure that out when the time comes]
and we ended the week with something I have become 
very familiar with
mom must have been bored, and realized my cute little headbands
she got at my baby shower finally fit
so she cranked up the heat
took off my clothes
and this is what happened next...
oh, and this week I tried out my Bumbo seat for the first time
and I do love sitting up
so hanging out in this seat every once in a while was pretty cool
I'm now officially over the ten pound mark
[I was 9 pounds 15.5 ounces at my checkup]
and I am now 22.5 inches long!
so yeah for growing
and getting a little chunkier as you can see above
-Everly Mae

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